Wednesday, July 12, 2006
what is time?
what if we were to say that in actuality that one year was really only one day? that in essence a day as we know it was merely an interval of a 365 part of a 'real' day as we would now call it?
thus a year would now be perceived in what we now mistakenly perceive as 365 years and a century would be - alas - approx. 3650 years in our human time.
and why do i say human time? that is because it is merely that, it is our measurement of space not anyone else's.
imagine if we decided to study history in such a way or even considered it in some parlance?
i am not joking about this.
science in many respects must look at time in a very oppositional way to human existence and our mere desire to mark things in such a short and finite manner. one in which we give so much importance to our individual consciousness instead of a collective whole.
look at the following photos
and this photographer's outlook on time within another dimension.
in regards to the planet and our existence within this scope, if we were to imagine that on a whole we only live on average 70-90 days it might change our philosophies profoundly in which we see our selves in this world when under the light.
what if we were to say that in actuality that one year was really only one day? that in essence a day as we know it was merely an interval of a 365 part of a 'real' day as we would now call it?
thus a year would now be perceived in what we now mistakenly perceive as 365 years and a century would be - alas - approx. 3650 years in our human time.
and why do i say human time? that is because it is merely that, it is our measurement of space not anyone else's.
imagine if we decided to study history in such a way or even considered it in some parlance?
i am not joking about this.
science in many respects must look at time in a very oppositional way to human existence and our mere desire to mark things in such a short and finite manner. one in which we give so much importance to our individual consciousness instead of a collective whole.
look at the following photos
and this photographer's outlook on time within another dimension.
in regards to the planet and our existence within this scope, if we were to imagine that on a whole we only live on average 70-90 days it might change our philosophies profoundly in which we see our selves in this world when under the light.