Saturday, January 22, 2005

Safer Roads

interesting article from the n.y times about road engineering in the netherlands, good saturday reading....

Friday, January 21, 2005

Cards Anyone?

putin really seems to have a bug up his arse
(but he must be paid attention, unlike france which would like the attention but no body takes seriously),
first he took over russia and implemented laws which in essense made him a modern strong man,
then he started going after carefully chosen companies which angered him, and now he is sticking his fingers in the chaos over here slowly yet in a very calculated way.
could it be russian policy in syria is a way of telling the states that they had better not mess with iran too much?this is the opening of a rather interesting card game. palestinians may be the wildcard.
lets see if those participating in the game want to play texas hold 'em.....or some sophmore school version of strip poker.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Strange Reporting Of News.....

please read the following article and make sure you read it all the way through.
what i need to know is just how stupid the journalist is who wrote this or does he have a very good sense of humor.....
the last sentence puts a very strange exclamation point on just how politically correct the ny times is or just how transparently asleep their editors are at the wheel.
the article is more or less about south africa confronting its aids problem by admitting that its people are dying of it.
maybe i am too cynical but the last sentence in which it announces mandela's son's wife died in 2003 of pneumonia at the age of 43 strikes me as very suspect and a way in which to say that some people are still taking as many steps backwards as they are forwards.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

A Blog You Should Read

the above is a very interesting blog written by a u.s. official who has a few qualms with the way in which the u.n. does its work and other interesting sagas. you should take a look at it, definitely worthwhile.

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