Friday, December 16, 2005

On Democratic Reality

there are some among us who think hamas should be allowed to openly run for govt in palestine.

Palestinian Election Results

this because when elected as leaders of their various districts they will suddenly have to go from 'revolutionary' to trash collector.
and the thinking goes.......eventually hamas will prove that they are as ineffective as picking up the trash as anyone else in the world and suddenly will be stained by the onslaught of reality (and the smell from the trash).
this in essense is the great thing about democracy, it eventually levels the playing field and gives a wide opportunity to the many seeking power only to allow them to prove that in fact they are human like everyone else.
this policy btw worked fairly well in northern ireland when implemented by the brits, the ira - sein fein - when allowed to run found themselves dragged into the mirth and proved to be just as corruptable as all others.
and thus we get to the elections just held in iraq, no matter what detractors say, this is a victory for bush and united states policy.
eleven million people voted in the elections choosing from a wide range of candidates including secular and religious and ethnic oriented political parties.
perhaps all sects will fall into a vicious civil war in iraq, but perhaps the sects will actually learn that they can work together.
again this will not take place in a kodak moment, we will need to give all of the people and their groups time to become accustomed to the tasks and workings of political and civil oddities such as trash collecting, the clearing of snow, making sure mr. nassar's mail get delivered to the right house.

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