Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Holocaust Day

Holocaust Day

i am 100% against this idea (now realization), just what the world needs another commemeration day.........
this idea will backfire in ways that we cannot possibly imagine yet.
it will be used by every political activist group worldwide to bring about 'needed attention' to their particular plights. it will water down history and make it more of a 'totem' than the actual event which was a very real thing.
we will see its inclusion upon our multi-cultural world and the making of the holocaust as nothing but another memorial event to be forgotten, it will be less important than valentines day within a couple of years......
a new hallmark moment, happy holocaust day.
it is a little like going to the priest and asking for forgiveness and being told to say a few hail marys and repeating the same sin a couple of months later.
now everyone will be free to offer their interpretation of the holocaust and why it happened, get ready to be offended repeatedly.

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