Monday, September 19, 2005

OPEC & Its Happy Idiot Followers - Us

OPEC AGREES TO BE MERCIFUL from the ny times.

interesting to me that no one here last week mentioned england's gordon brown's whining to opec that they must help produce more oil to help with the 'shortages' and price increases taking place throughout great britain and elsewhere.
at some point you would think politicians would actually lead a change. that they would stand up and say we really have to get new technology going and stop our reliance on this commodity called oil. BUT NO that doesnt happen and we all know why it doesnt happen because politicians 99% of the time do not lead they just parrot what their public wants them to say particualarly when we are talking about such basic needs.
and therein lies the rub, we are screwed, we are not going to progress any until the publics understand that they are part of the problem and until they decide to be part of the solution - oil is going to remain a key component of our daily lifes.
what is so tough about using hybrids, about using other fuel mixtures, about using all things new? why is it that we love all types of new gadgets and buy them like crazy but for the life of us cannot stop buying cars that guzzle nothing but oil based gasoline?
as for the companies making the cars, they will only be compelled to sell other type of vehicles when the demand shows them that a profit is going to be made. they are not in business for the betterment of mankind.
people must lead this charge.........and until then we are going to continue seeing speechs like browns where officials beg for mercy from opec.

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