Monday, April 04, 2005

Betting On The Next Pope

tradesports has begun a "betting line" on the next Pope at
under "current Events" and sub-category "The Papacy"

as odd as it is people are wagering on this, better than betting when so and so is going to pass which happens too. if you do take a look at this you will notice that there is a group for betting on when palestine will become a nation and other assorted bits of life.

in the spirit of being interested in who is going to be the next pope, i will list in the order of what i think is most likely to unfold.........
1) a cardinal from mexico 2) a cardinal from brazil 3) a cardinal from italy

some talk has it that the vatican wants someone to merely keep the seat warm and not have a twenty year reign like john paul II in order to iron out some of the cumbersome issues that certain factions within the vatican do not agree on.

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