Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Shared Room

a recent poem i have written........

I can see that you don’t like me
Even though you haven’t seen me yet
And I have yet to see you.
Call it insecurity or paranoia but I know
When you find out my identity you will
Scorn, ridicule, and send me to your fire.
I am not scared, and I don’t really care,
But I want you to know because I am
Not going anywhere and you will have to deal.
Existence is a two way street,
Forgotten but some how still missed,
We do not cry for those we are unconcerned about.
Reality is only an excuse for not wanting to know
Another way to think. Perception.
There it is. You perceive me, I perceive you.
We hate each other already and are ready for violence.
The long march is planned and we will fight one day.
Plant your olive trees, I have a bulldozer.
Wave your flags, I will wave mine.
It isn’t a futbol game, though I wish it were.
We hate each other, can’t stand the thought of
Sitting in the same room and sharing the air.
You are enraged by the bloodshed, I am angry
Because I believe you caused it.
We speak optimistically of the future, hoping
We don’t have to share it with each other.
Children will know better, yours will know how to
Behave, mine will not know how to fire a
Gun. Maybe they can plant trees together,
Kick a ball together, and maybe even kiss.
But you and I hate each other, we have gone to
Funerals of friends, relatives and shall not forgive.
Too much pain, no trust to stem this ugliness.
We wait for the other to prove our point,
Hyperbole comes from the fires
We do not know how to extinguish.

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