Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Bye Bye NHL

UPDATES 20 FEB. 2005
i hope now that any other hockey news has nothing to do with the letters nhl until the fall of the this year.....
hello we love you, good bye we hate you, actually we just dont care.......get out of our lives. the entire saga has become nothing but an ironic parody of love gone bad.

above is story from ap saying nhl season has officially been canceled, see ya next year - maybe.......


in the category of 'do we really care?' the nhl is about to formally cancel its entire season. i am a sports fan. i grew up watching the islanders and still follow the nhl from afar, albeit rooting for the chicago black hawks. yet, i have no sadness that the season was never played, nor do i care that the players and owners couldn't reach an agreement to somehow overcome their differences.
professional hockey is a business like anything else when salaries, rents, and other expenses are due. if the owners and players can't see the light of day and find some way to negotiate an agreement i couldn't care less. hockey goes on, played in junior leagues, pro leagues in europe, the sport like all others will survive or die based on the interest level the fans and those playing have.
if the nhl never plays another game it will not matter. the owners and players should realize that the entire lot of them can be replaced by other people, an other league, and a new fondness for other endeavors.

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