Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Syria & Iran

this from the most recent aipac update reports,

U.S. Officials Accuse Iran and Syria of Interfering in Iraq According to U.S. intelligence officials and members of the Iraqi interim government, both Syria and Iran are undermining American efforts to stabilize Iraq, The Washington Post reported. Intelligence reports say that Syria is sheltering members of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's Baath Party who are directing attacks on U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians. Meanwhile, according to Iraqi officials, Iran is interfering in Iraq's electoral process, seeking to produce a government dedicated to the radical tenets of Islamic fundamentalism adhered to by Tehran. U.S. and Iraqi officials also say that Iran, like Syria, has organized and funded terrorist groups that target American soldiers and Iraqis.

that being said and having read other reports, i think it will take a lot more than this to give bush the determination to go after syria, iran, and their 'friends' the hizbullah. until i see further evidence (that the states would actually consider military action there) i believe we will see a discussion amongst unequals at various intervals in the coming year.
in a way, arafat's death has helped prevent military action for now, this because there is suddenly the 'feeling' that some issues can be talked out. and while arafat was the palestinian leader, psychologically the ability to speak with one another extends to all in this region. we will see how much time is on the clock for chit chat.

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