Tuesday, December 07, 2004

BBC Hoaxed

an interesting 'hoax' played on the bbc regarding dow chemical and the bhopal tragedy.
it shows once again that the media can be fooled and lied to at other peoples whims because of over exuberance nowadays to break a story too quickly.



i have seen a few articles quoting the 'yes men' as saying this is their strategy to make dow chemical come to terms with the events in india and that they feel they (the yes men) are expressing what dow should do........i know one thing for certain, dow chemical's stock got a jolt when the bbc news came out.....in all an interesting and ugly manipulation i think, couldnt have made the folks in india feel very good to have gotten their hopes up and then find out it was a hoax.

here is some background info on what happened in bhopal twenty years ago:

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