Thursday, November 25, 2004

On Being A Fanatic

here is a very good opinion piece by frank rich of the ny times on morals and america and just how over hyped, over sold, and much nonsense the whole thing is.......
point is that, even though i suspect rich is not a republican, some of us here should note that you can be a fun loving agnostic who is actually educated and voting for the right too.
last time i checked their were even one or two openly gay republicans who serve in politics......jim kolbe from arizona being one of them who serves in the u.s. house of representatives comes to mind.
point is that you can still choose to use your mind and see the other side whether you are left or right, and frankly for the most part most people by and large are centrists who merely vote what they feel their country needs at a particular time in history.
on one side we have those who speak about all arabs as if every single one of them is out to kill us
and others only offering holiday greetings to only 49 percent of the people in the states because they knew best to vote against bush.
perhaps i am carrying things to far but the entire world is not polarized, we live on a planet in which a strong opinion sells better, looks better on camera, but the reality of it is that IT (the polarization) is not reality.
last but not least, this doesnt mean we have to walk down the streets waving hello to everybody and holding hands with our neighbors, but for just a second it would be wise to remember that at the end of the business day in the pits that guys go out and have a few drinks together even though they just spent the day trying to hammer each other on the floor.
life, my friends, is exactly the same. you want to be a fanatic, ok, good for you,
but i doubt most dont need it and arent quite as myopic as others hope.

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