Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Someone Please Explain This.....


i have read a couple of articles about this news above today and i am confused. can someone please help with the following: if the u.n. nuclear arms investigators are worried that whole buildings, high tech metals, and other devices are now missing since the beginning of the war in iraq, HOW DOES THIS not count as pursuing the ability to build a weapon of mass destruction by saddam? what is it that i dont get exactly? if the u.n. investigators are saying that apparatus has disappeared in which a weapon of mass destruction could effectively been built (or even used as materials within such a weapon) how does that not count as something that should have been part of any ban that iraq had previous to the war? where is the logic here or am i being an idiot?

I think it's about the so called "dual use" stuff. As explained near the end of this item:

And these items alone were not enough to get the program running again.

i understand that, but read the next post with the cnn link about what specifically is missing. how long would it have taken saddam to put a weapon together if he wanted too? do we really believe that he wouldnt have done it if he had the chance? look at his record with the kurds and the iranians using poison gas, is this a guy that the world could trust?
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