Sunday, October 03, 2004

Northern Front

i have been asked if there are any developments to speak of regarding the hizbullah on the lebanese border because of what is taking place in gaza this weekend because of the israeli military offensive due to the deaths of two children who were killed by the missile attack on sderot.
but all is quiet on the northern front with lebanon this week. the real news (threats & rumors) are that hamas claims it has a version of qassam 2 missile that it has been firing at sderot which is about 7 kms away from gaza, WHICH can hit ashkelon which is about 15 kms away from gaza.
i dont necessarily doubt that hamas has the ability to fire such a mechanism but to say that hamas would be biting off more than it can chew might be quite an understatement. this action if it were to occur would be hamas telling the world that it knows it is about to be decimated and is saying goodbye to the earthly world.
word is that hamas is under incredible strain right now, their leaders are in hiding not only in gaza but in syria too now.........they had to make a statement (by shooting the missiles the past week) that they were not completely stymied. but if they were to fire off such a weapon, as crude as it is, at ashkelon, i hesitate to imagine what reaction israel might have to such a thing.
ALSO interesting development imo is that world press seems to be getting ready for an israeli action on iranian nuclear 'research' sites..........i believe we are being conditioned for some type of action to come.
being that i am a big believer in modern politicians taking no risks before general elections (not that i agree with the policy) - i.e. bush the past six months in iraq - there is little chance bush is going to condone any action in october - no let me change that, i am 100% certain NOTHING will take place with israel and iran UNTIL after the american election, then it is possible if bush trys and sees that he is failing with speaking to the iranians i believe he will give a very quiet green light to the israelis - one in which he will publically say israel should not have acted in such a way. OR if kerry wins (one must prepare for all things in life) imo israel will do much the same thing they did when reagan was president when it destroyed iraq's nuclear facility, not say much of anything, carry out the mission, and then state that israel has a right to protect its own national interest.

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