Sunday, August 29, 2004

On The Coming Nightmare

first of all allow me to say almost every jew inside of america who has supported the war in iraq and been talking tough about iran should be vomiting right now, not out of fear but out of frustration. and every american-israeli should be extremely angry. that i am saying this to an audience that is made up of jews who are american, israelis, and others who are not jewish (which are the majority) i know you will feel any way you want to regardless of what i think and write - AND YOU SHOULD. because in all likelihood i am too angry about the following to have any rationale at this moment.
if this entire pentagon/defense dept. / aipac / israeli story is true there is a serious problem about to occur. loyality of nation shall be questioned. fortunately it appears the man in question who is accused of passing on documents to aipac is not jewish, one down and only other fifty other things to solve now.
secondly, if it true - american jews should render aipac finished as an organization. they should stop funding it, they should kill it. because in a sense it has helped then (if true) to hurt (a polite word for destroy) american jews. how many more american jews will wither into assimilation because of this? aaaaah, this isnt a fair comment i suspect i will hear, but deep down i think everyone knows that anyone who questions his identity because of this can accept the possibility that there will be someone somewhere that says, "finished, no more". dont believe me? how many people tell you they are jewish in america but are not connected to being jewish except through some type of cultural identity that has nothing to do with religion anymore?
next, if this spy/ mole story is true and israel accepted info from aipac or the man in question indirectly/ directly, the current govt in power - the sharon govt must fall. it must be thrown out. though i dont expect israelis to come to this conclusion quite as quick as others. the sharon govt must be held accountable if they have anything to do with this. proving that will be a difficult task even if it is true. i will go into this only if the story merits it.
and while i speak in parables of truth, allow me to say i hope all of this is false, because if not it will quickly turn from a mere bad dream into a nightmare in which many will become obsessed with - not just jews but internationally. conspiracy theory folks will have no need to speak from a closet now. all they needed was this opening to become 'knowledgeable and great communicators of truth' warning everybody about the threat of the international jew. 'great' organizations and longtime 'friends' of israel will have interesting things to speculate too.
this is a developing story.........but none of this is good. compare it to cancer and pray that it doesnt kill.

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