Saturday, July 24, 2004

Secularism vs. Fanaticism

it has taken almost 25 years now for anyone to recognize that it is an ideological conflict that is brewing between secularists and islamic relgious fanatics. i mark the time according to the actual success of the iranian revolution. while the western polars were quite content to gloat in their victory over the utopian communist  failure in the late 1980's and early 1990's it turned a blind eye to what was down the road.  movements take time to build and gain momentum. the 9/11 commission will go down in history as a near political white wash of what took place leading to the verbal realization that the west now has another major ideology to battle which it still has failed to issue publically in many respects.
this is about secular based civilizations against a utopian turned fanatic process. i myself still have a problem believing the conflict, wanting to feel that some basic universal good  exist that every person can accept. yet since the downfall of the failed communist regimes we have seen this ideology of religious fanatism creep into the power vacuum.
case in points are what took place in bosnia, albania, and checheyna, and the victory of the taliban in afghanistan.
u.s. is not blame free in this mix having actually helped many of these groups with early funding when they were merely a pain to the communists. israel has found out first hand with the hamas that its attempts to help aid and create counterweights politically and socially within the palestinian communitities actually helped create bigger monsters.
 it is realpolitik and it can be ugly. i believe we are only entering the violent stage of  this confrontation and believe if we are not careful we are looking at a 25 year window minimum in which those that want secular societies can in a short term  hope to defeat those who want the other........and i use the word other here carefully because if the secularlists should lose there is no telling where and how long the world will be in another dark age and what the fanatics will morph into fully. imo the secularlists will not lose unless they allow too many apologists to beg that we continue to look through the world in rose colored glasses.

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