Saturday, July 10, 2004

Please Vote Nader, Someone, Anyone....

a friend of mind just sent me the following regarding the effect 'the left' fears nader will have on the upcoming election. but i ask this, if the left is so worried about nader taking votes away from kerry shouldnt they have found a candidate that would simply be able to win the election by being able to get many more votes than bush? nader is clearly an ego driven 'politician' and i use the word politician losely. no body will remember him in 100 years time except when comparing him to the contemporary movement of trying to gain as much publicity for yourself to increase the amount of money you receive at speaking engagements or while performing on television. paris hiltion and ralph nader are alike in many ways. they both absolutely adore seeing themselves on magazine covers and in ten second news bits but they are all air. nader, i know, had his moment of importance when he was doing consumer advocacy in the 70's, but 30 years later he shows that he is really not concerned with the outcome of things as much as he is concerned about making himself look good. nader running in this election is a bit like a 60 year old man walking around in leather pants in miami who is well past his prime. you cannot get the 60 year old man to stop wearing the leather and you cannot get nader out of this election. while i understand that 'the left' is concerned that nader is ruining the election for kerry, what intriques me more is that the left is so willing to try and elect the wealthiest u.s. president of all time. perhaps instead of worrying about nader and his effect on kerry, they should start worrying about what is inside the heinz-kerry stock portfolio. ahhh wait, the republicans will probably help them with that too. anyone going to wal-mart today? here is the bulletin sent to me:

Progressive Unity News
Breaking Events in the 2004 Progressive Campaign to Beat Bush
Michigan GOP Openly Launches Nader Petition Drive
Bush Forces Now Driving Nader Ballot Efforts in At Least Five Battleground States: Oregon, Wisconsin, Florida, Pennsylvania & Michigan
The American Right has now openly launched a full-scale campaign in support of getting Nader on battleground state ballots. While in 2000 such support was covert or provided so late that disclosure was only required after the election, in 2004 there is now an open alliance: It's the GOP, Bush, Dick Armey... & Ralph Nader.
The "support" from right-wing Bush groups now seems to dwarf Nader's own campaign organization. In Pennsylvania alone, and fresh from its Nader work in Oregon, Dick Armey's right-wing "think-tank" Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE) boasts an organization of 10,000 volunteers to get Nader on the ballot[1]. In Michigan, meanwhile, the state GOP has announced the Party will actively circulate petitions for Nader's ballot campaign[2]. Such massive reactionary forces backing Nader's campaign calls into question whether Nader needs any campaign allies or organization at all -- it hardly matters if the Green Party refuses Nader ballot access, or if the Reform Party grants it. Nader's campaign is now the golden child of America's most powerful political machine -- the Corporate and Religious Right.
Perhaps Nader has been correct all along: he's been saying he'd get lots of conservative support. But please, Mr. Nader, let's not confuse the Pro-Bush Right putting you on the ballot with them actually voting for you. They know how much harm your campaign can do to progressive causes. We only wish you could face the same reality.

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