Thursday, February 09, 2006

Safe Sex? - Part 2

more thoughts on the cartoon crisis, one of the comics in question shows the prophet mohhamend telling men not to be suicide bombers anymore because 'they' have run out of virgins.
i ask you what the...heck,
what guy with any skills wants a virgin?
teaching is one thing..........
consoling 'her' afterwards that she is not going to hell for giving a kiss on the pecker is another........
no wonder the fanatics are so angry, not only were they told they must have sex with woman who were untrained but now there are no women left............
which reminds me of another funny thing, an italian woman i used to know insisted that if she only had anal sex she would remain a virgin........dear i loved her.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Beauty In The Ruins - Part 2 Posted by Picasa

Beauty In The Ruins Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Safe Sex?

an iranian newspaper has announced that it is holding a cartoon contest for the public in which its participants are asked to offer something witty on the holocaust.
does the winner gets an all paid week trip to Tehran and if so are prostitutes parlayed to the room as a bonus if you are not married? i am certain that no alcohol is supplied as a gift.
what strikes me most about this entire danish cartoon fiasco is the lack of humour that the fanantical elements have shown which truly shows a one dimensional mind.
having said that, i wonder if the cartoon drawn by the muslim group from belgium and the netherlands with anne frank and adolph hitler made sure hitler was wearing a condom while he was in bed with the child?
the girl was underage, wasn't she?

Monday, February 06, 2006

So Much Hate

if there is no god, then all that believe are wrong.
if there is only one god and all who believe there is only one god and claim to belive in such should be able to get along no matter who or who is not received as prophet/s.
wouldn't be such a bad idea for jews, christians, muslims and others of monothestic faiths to become freemasons and
simply accept that the world is a multi-layered event and allows for multi-layered thoughts while agreeing to 'one great architect of the universe'.
why do we hate? why do we need to hate?
maybe i drank the wrong water this morning, but i just don't get it anymore?
corruption and injustice are a deadly brew for all cultures. at some point people must start to take responsibility for themselves and allow for words to be merely that.
there are very few objective realities on our planet.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Iranian Death Camp - Part 2

per the statements from vienna it is apparent to me that iran will now have a green light diplomatically to build a nuclear arsenal. they have won the poker game played it would seem by the same fine people who tried to stop n. korea from building a weapons system.
why? because any inclusion to call for a nuclear free middle east is an obvious political ploy to pull israel into this game and blame them for iran's policy.
israel will not give up its nuclear arsenal until there is a peace agreement. everybody in the world knows there will be no universal peace agreement between israel and all the muslim nations before iran has the bomb.
in short israel has been put in the position to become the scapegoat for iran's bomb making. the failure of the world body to do anything about it is clear.
anyone who reads this as some sort of victory against iran diplomatically will have their eyes opened shortly.
because of this decision last night and america giving into euro influences we will now see a war between iran and israel.
carve it in stone.

though i agree the game is not over it has clearly reached its end game. iranians will find some way not to agree to the russian plan, the security council will go forth, israel will be asked to take a stand and state what its nuclear ambitions are, and iran will be in the position to say if they are allowed to say they care not to answer the question why should it - the iranians - be made to do so........
and from a logical standpoint the iranians are correct.
as for israel announcing that it is a member of the club now, problem is that everyone knows this answer already and by saying yes it is will not change the madate but only make voices louder on the iranian side and anti-israel side.
i am not optimistic about this and find little reason for any sunshine.
it is quite possible that a million or so people will perish because of this decision last night.
we are reaching the proverbial see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil epic.........there will be a blood bath.

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